Food as Medicine

Natural remedies for liver health

Natural remedies for liver health

The liver is one of our most important organs and is often overlooked as part of digestive health. It produces bile to help us break down fats and alcohol. It is responsible for processing everything that has been absorbed as part of digestion. The liver is the only...

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The anti-inflammatory diet

The anti-inflammatory diet

There are many people who would benefit from following an anti-inflammatory diet, in fact I would go as far as to say that everyone will benefit. Every disease state or health condition involves some level of inflammation, and to reduce your inflammatory levels will...

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Winter immune boosting tips

Winter immune boosting tips

It seems that as soon as the weather cools, the cold and flu season hits. Having had an influx of patients over the last few weeks with colds, sore throats, sinus infections and coughs it is important to make sure you are prepared should you feel the dreaded flu...

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Home remedies for bloating

Bloating is one of the most common symptoms that my patients complain of. As a follow up to my last blog which discussed the most common causes of bloating, this blog discusses some natural treatment options that you can try at home. Bloating is uncomfortable, painful...

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