Natural skin care

Skin care is a multimillion dollar industry but with so many products available it is hard to know what is best for you. Often the simplest products are the best for us to use. Have you ever taken the time to read over the ingredients list of your beauty products?...

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Naturopathic treatment of Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a nasty digestive disease that I see often in my clinic and with some guidance, dietary changes and supplementation we are able to manage the condition with good success. This condition is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that leads to...

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Home remedies for the common cold and flu

It seems that as soon as the temperature drops, my clinic is flooded with patients who have colds, flus, chest infections, sore throats and sinus problems. While researchers are yet to understand why we are more prone to ‘colds’ when the weather is cooler, we cannot...

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The pro’s and con’s of coffee

The ritual of drinking coffee is one I very much enjoy and a constant battle I  face as I would like to quit coffee altogether. You could say that I wrote this article as a way to prove to myself that a coffee a day is ok for our health... which is the most I would...

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